IDENTITY pt3 “Kill the Indian, and Save the Man” “Kill the Indian, and Save the Man”: Capt. Richard H. Pratt on the Education of Native Americans Beginning in 1887, the federal government attempted to “Americanize” Native Americans, largely through the education of...
mar·tial law ˈˌmärSHəl ˈlô/ noun  military government involving the suspension of ordinary law. Martial law is the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative,...
  The first inhabitants of Maryland were Paleo-Indians who came more than 10,000 years ago from other parts of North America to hunt mammoth, great bison and caribou. By 1,000 B.C., Maryland had more than 8,000 Native Americans in about...
Native Americans were using maple sugar as a sweetener long before the pilgrims set foot on North America. The Indians traded the maple sugar with the colonists, who, in turn, learned how to make the sweet treat from the Native Americans. Maple... HERE IS A FEW CLUES TO WHY WE FIND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN A SPECIFIC NATIVE NATION AND HEBREWS or MOORS. Some of y’all who claim to be the Original Inhabitants of America... Goodbye Uncle Tom Farewell, Uncle Tom / Addio Zio Tom Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco Prosperi Italy, 1971 Review byDavid Carter A still from Goodbye Uncle Tom adorns the front cover of Mark Goodall’s examination of Mondo cinema Sweet & Savage. The scene in question... This excerpt, from Link TV's Global Spirit program "Earth Wisdom for a World in Crisis," was filmed at the United Nations, where 3,000 indigenous people from around the world were invited to share their solutions to the growing environmental... He-Man & She-Ra The Secret of the Sword 1985 (Uncut) The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull is woken one night by a mysterious magic sword that leads her to a glowing portal known as a 'Time Gate'. Recognizing the sword as...
Mrs. TurtleGang Well well well..... I've been sitting back watching this photo get exchanged from page to page on social media. Aside from the Moors present in this photo, taken at the Clayton County Sheriff's Office, Waka Flocka Flame is...
Are you expecting a new addition to your tribe? Are you interested in giving your child a Native nickname, well here is a list of native names to choose from. Native American Baby Names At Cute Baby Names you will be...


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