FANA Director General Neesu Wushuwunoag discussing the several different classifications of the American Indian status and how it applies to the 2020 US Census.…/311908…/FANA-UN-Introduction-Letter
Neesu Wushuwunoag – Director General, Federation of Aboriginal Nations of America Email: [email protected]
(401) 400-0623
Federation of Aboriginal Nations of America
was founded by FANA Superior Chief Po Wauipi Neimpaug,
Sagamore of the Pokanoket Nation & Sagamore of the Affiliated Tribes of New England Indians
, FANA Director General Neesu Wushuwunoag,
Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe & Sunnadin Sachem of the Nehantick-Nahaganset Nation
, and Principal Chief Yonaguska Holloway of the
Sand Hill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians
and through development in concert with the National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People (NAAIP).
FANA began in 2011 as a confederation of aboriginal Tribes and Nations from the New England territories that were seeking to address ongoing violations of their inherent aboriginal rights. As the confederation has grown in membership it now recognizes that the next normal progression is to carry the primary issues it faces to the United Nations.
FANA assists its Member Nations in shedding light on the more than 600 years of ancestral lineage its membership is comprised of, and in the initiation of international claims for genocide and environmental racism.
“To be the catalyst and foundational federation for the progression of global respect and support for Aboriginal Nations and the important and necessary role they play in the development of sustainable public policy, economic empowerment and civic engagement for the world.”
“To provide leadership and serve as the collective voice for the development of the mass
unification of the Aboriginal Tribes and Nations of the Americas, through historical research & validation, cultural education and implementation of economic and sustainable development