Uncas (1598-1683) became Sachem of the Mohegan Tribe, which favored collaboration with the English. The Pequots under Sassacus chose to fight them, with other local tribes taking sides. Seeing the loss brought on by continued fighting, Uncas befriended the European invaders. This controversial decision left Uncas and the Mohegans in an uneasy alliance with the English in an ensuing war with the Pequots. But staying true to their word, the Mohegans helped the English defeat the Pequots.

Uncas settled his people in a village at Shantok, which the Tribe defended from a Narragansett invasion sparked by European as well as Indian conflicts. Finally, the Mohegan Tribe’s affiliation with the English kept its people relatively safe during King Philip’s war and beyond.

Indian Leap Falls in Norwich,
the City of Kings, Connecticut.

Uncas Leap Falls

This is a true story of just what did happen at the
Great Falls in the City of Kings, so very long ago.

Early one morning, Sachem Uncas
was at the Cauchegan Prayer Rock
near what is now Montville, Connecticut,
where he often prayed and held court.

The enemy from the North had a scout band
of their tribe hiding in the woods waiting,
for they knew that Uncas loved this place.

When Uncas arrived to pray, this leader from the North,
sent some of his braves back to the village to advise his
Chief of the their plan to attempt to capture Uncas.

This leader from the North, fearing the loss of his enemy
Uncas and hoping to become a hero to his tribe,
convinced his braves to leave their hiding places
in the woods and try to capture Sachem Uncas.

The enemy from the North cut off all of the paths back
to the City of the Kings, so Uncas went North.
Uncas and his men, ran until they came to the Great Falls,
which was another prayer place for the Mohegans.

By now all of the Mohegan warriors were aware of the
situation and were pursuing the Narragansetts,
or the Enemy from the North as they were called.

These Warriors chased Uncas to the Falls,
but not familiar with the local terrain or the area.
Sachem Uncas quickly leaped 40 foot over the falls,
landing on what is now called the prayer altar and safety.

The Narragansetts were now trapped.
They tried to jump the falls as had Sachem Uncas,
but were not successful.
